Woman's hands clasped together around blue toy car

Comprehensive vs. Collision Insurance: What’s the Difference?

Comprehensive insurance and collision insurance are two common types of auto insurance, and both provide protection when your prized Jeep or RAM vehicle is damaged. However, there are a number of differences to consider when comparing comprehensive vs. collision insurance, especially in terms of the specific type of damage they cover. Here, the team at Olathe Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram explains the details that you need to know about each of these types of insurance, so you can make an informed decision on which to secure before you take to the streets of Overland Park.

What is Comprehensive Insurance?

Comprehensive insurance is just that—comprehensive. It covers any damage that occurs by vandalism, weather, or theft which is not related to a collision. For example, comprehensive insurance covers you if a deer runs into your car, there is a fire, or your car is stolen.

What is Collision Insurance?

As the name denotes, collision insurance covers damage that specifically occurs as a result of a collision with another vehicle or object. This often includes repairs but sometimes may result in a full replacement of your vehicle. Hitting a tree or another vehicle, rolling over, or crashing into a pothole would all be considered types of collisions.

Do You Need Comprehensive or Collision Insurance?

Wondering whether you should secure comprehensive insurance or collision insurance? Oftentimes, Gardner-area drivers are well-served by bundling the two together. Consider these factors to determine whether or not you need both:

  • Your car’s value, as having both of these insurances will prevent you from paying out of pocket for major repairs when your new car is higher in value.
  • Your accident risk, as long commutes and extensive driving up your risk of experiencing a collision.
  • Your current financial status, as without these insurances, you will have to cover the costs of an accident or replace a stolen vehicle on your own.
  • Where you drive, as certain areas around Lenexa might be known as hotspots for fallen branches or collisions with deer or other animals.
Car keys resting on top of insurance documents

Based on these factors, bundling comprehensive insurance and collision insurance is smart if your car has a high value, you drive frequently and for long distances, and/or you don’t have the savings to cover unexpected repair costs. It’s also a good idea to have both if you lease or finance your car, it is less than 10 years old, and it is worth more than $3,000.

Schedule Collision Repair or Body Work at Olathe Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram!

The Olathe Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram Body Shop serves as your go-to when you find yourself in a situation where comprehensive insurance or collision insurance is necessary. Even if you haven’t submitted an insurance claim, our team of expert technicians can restore your vehicle to like-new status. Get in touch to make an appointment or ask any other questions you may have! Take the time to learn about liability insurance, as well, to ensure you have all your bases covered.

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Olathe Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram 38.9159007, -94.7645272.